Monday, 28 January 2013

Bipolar -

Bipolar disorder can be described as a psychiatric diagnosis of mood issues.  The condition is defined by presence of one particular or far more episodes that benefits from enhanced power levels, cognition, and mood imbalance such as depression episodes. Bipolar disorder is frequent in both adults and young children and is brought on by a myriad of variables. It is estimated that about 1.2 percent of the population suffers from bipolar problems. Due to high prevalence of the condition, the very best way to live with people with bipolar disorder is to accommodate them. For that reason, it involves the efforts of psychiatrists and the complete neighborhood to assisting people suffering from bipolar issues.


Bipolar disorder is also referred to as manic-depressive illness. It final results to intense mood wings which consist of high moods (mania) and low moods (depression) (Mayo Clinic Employees, 2010). This means that folks who endure from bipolar disorder have unstable moods that swing from high to low depending on diverse conditions. Bipolar disorder mainly entails imbalance of the chemical substances that influence brain functions and therefore regulate feelings. The imbalance in chemical that regulate feelings is mainly triggered by complicated set of genetic and environmental variables which combine with environmental variables to disrupt a number of genes  linked to bipolar disorder.

There are various types of bipolar disorder with technique kind showing distinct pattern of symptoms. The different types of bipolar disorders consist of (Mayo Clinic Staff, 2010):

Bipolar I disorder – This variety of bipolar disorder outcomes to mood swing which developed troubles in the workplace, college and in typical connection. It shows extreme to harmful manic episodes.
Bipolar II disorder is less extreme compared to Bipolar I disorder. It benefits to elevated mood, irritability, and adjustments in typical functioning. However, these men and women generally go on with their every day. These individuals also do not developed full-blown mania but they have hypomania, which is significantly less extreme kind of mania. Individuals with this type of bipolar however shows elongated periods of depression.
Cyclothymia – This is a mild form of bipolar disorder. Folks suffering from this form of bipolar generally shows disruptive hyponomanic and depression but the highs and lows connected with this type are significantly less extreme compared to Bipolar I and Bipolar II.

Bipolar disorder is prevalent in all communities in the planet specifically among communities that have seasoned traumatic events in the course of their lives. In the United States, statistics shows that around 2.3 million adults endure from bipolar disorder (WD, 2010). This is about 1.2 % of the population. Statistics also shows that about 1 percent of folks who endure from bipolar problems are aged 18years and older at any provided year. In Canada, there are about 390,094 individuals who suffer from bipolar issues (WD, 2010).


Bipolar disorder may sometimes be difficult to diagnose and people can reside with the condition for more than ten years of more prior to it is sooner or later diagnosed. The difficult in diagnoses comes due to the dual nature of the disorder (Study, 2010). Most folks with the situation usually seek remedy when they have depression rather than when they have manic. In addition, bipolar disorder shares a wide variety of symptoms with other psychiatric conditions like schizophrenia thereby complicating diagnosis. There is not laboratory test that can be utilized to confirm bipolar disorder but it is diagnosed utilizing a basic question, Mood Disorder Questionnaire (MDQ) (Study, 2010). This looks for full history of symptoms of the condition and whether there is a close loved ones member with the condition. It also looks for complete medical history and physical examination for any physical illness or situations that mimic bipolar disorder.

Challenging behaviors

People with bipolar disorder exhibit wide variety of symptoms that are challenging to deal with. Nevertheless, these behaviors vary from one particular individual to an additional. For some folks depression is most difficult to deal with although for other individuals manic behaviors are key troubles to deal with (Mayo Clinic Employees, 2010). Some person are likely to show  all the symptoms of the condition such as manic, depression, and hyposomanic with each other resulting to mixed episodes that are extremely hard to deal with. For those with extreme manic disorder, the following behaviors are challenging to deal with (Mayo Clinic Employees, 2010):

i. Euphoria

ii. Inflated self-esteem

iii. Fast speech

iv. Aggressiveness

v. Agitation and irritation

vi. Elevated physical activity

vii. Spending sprees and uninformed financial choices

viii. Enhanced sex drive

ix. Frequent absence from perform or college

x. Psychosis

For folks with depressive phase of bipolar disorder, the following circumstances are hard to deal with (Mayo Clinic Staff, 2010):

i. Sadness

ii. Sleep issues

iii. Suicidal thoughts

iv. Hopelessness

v. Low or elevated appetite

vi. Irritability

vii. Frequent absence from work or college major to poor overall performance

In addition, men and women with bipolar disorders become difficult to deal with due to the fact they exhibit seasonal adjustments in mood (Lesley, 2009). Typically referred to as seasonal impacted disorder, individuals suffering from this situation tend to change their mood with season. Some people also shows rapid shift in their moods. Within 1 year, these people may have four or far more mood swings or alter within just handful of hours. In addition, kids and adolescents could exhibit diverse behaviors which includes explosive temper, mood shifts, reckless behaviors, and aggression that are tough to deal with because they might be confused with troubles for the duration of adolescence.

Accommodations and modifications

Accommodation is a single of the most typical approaches of living with folks who have bipolar disorder. When taking into consideration accommodations for folks with bipolar disorders, it ought to be remembered that the process has to be performed with specific reference to the person person and not to the whole group (Anglanda, 2002). It is crucial to think about persons skills and limitations because the function disability and behavior vary from person to person. Accommodation assists to integrate the bipolar individual with the rest of the society. It tends to make them feel as a part of the society and therefore the impact of their situations might be mitigated.  Most men and women with bipolar disorder call for distinct kinds of accommodations. The following are some of the accommodations concepts that can be utilised for people with bipolar disorder (Lesley, 2009):

i. Offering flexible school leave for overall health difficulties arising

ii. Permitting them to study from home

iii. Supplying praise and good reinforcement

iv. Counseling them or reference them to counselors for assistances

v. Providing peer assistance incentives and programs

vi. Decreasing distractions in college

vii. Enable for frequent breaks for the duration of understanding

viii. Provide them with self-paced operate loads and flexible  scheduling

ix. Offer them with understanding possibilities

x. Preserving open channels of communication with them.

xi. Frequent dissection on college or operate progress

Apart from accommodations, modification is yet another crucial approach that is employed to deal with individuals with bipolar disorder. Behavior modification has been singled out as an essential method to assist men and women living with bipolar disorder.  Behavior modification primarily makes use of method of reward in order to encourage them to develop the desired behaviors to replace undesirable behavior (Anglanda, 2002).  In some cases, punishment may possibly also be utilized to discourage the undesired behavior, particularly in children. Behavior modification is mainly used to manage argumentative, oppositional, and aggressive behaviors that primarily accompany early-onset bipolar disorder. This uses a chart in which behavior modification is marked and a reward is consequently awarded.


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